aardonyx celestae造句


  1. He is also a co-discoverer of the almost-sauropod " Aardonyx celestae " which has garnered international media attention and should serve to illuminate the early beginnings of sauropod gigantism.
  2. It is known from the type species " Aardonyx celestae " found from the Lower Jurassic Elliot Formation of South Africa . " A . celestae " was named after Celeste Yates, who prepared much of the first known fossil material of the species.
  3. The remains were collected on the farm Spion Kop 932, in a quarry located just over a kilometer East-North East another dinosaur rich quarry in a higher stratigraphic position within the probably Sinemurian part of the upper Elliot Formation, that yielded the less advanced sauropodomorphs " Aardonyx celestae " and the much smaller " Arcusaurus pereirabdalorum ".
  4. It's difficult to find aardonyx celestae in a sentence. 用aardonyx celestae造句挺难的


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